That Settles It
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In this workbook, Author, Speaker, Empowerment Influencer, Shawndell Winfield guides us on the journey of first coming into the knowledge of our true selves, who we really are at our core. Recognizing that we are worthy of love - simply because God says it. To learning how to love ourselves unapologetically; thus, teaching others how to love us. And finally, preparing ourselves for the love of our lives - that one true love - our love design.
So You Think You're Ready,
but Are You Really Ready?
This workbook is dedicated to every person (man or woman) who has been made to believe you are not beautiful or handsome enough to have a meaningful relationship; to every person (man or woman) who has been led to believe that just because you are beautiful or handsome, you don’t have to contribute anything else to maintain a healthy, balanced relationship; to every person who has dreamed of being loved, but isn’t quite sure if you are worthy of love. This workbook is for YOU.